LOHRFINK. We manage complexity.

Continuous – Rule-based – Test-driven

Continuous – Rule-based – Test-driven

Quality and Efficiency

Decision tables in software development

  • Create and communicate specifications efficiently and transparently

  • Complete, consistent, redundancy-free
  • Generate and maintain software modules: Directly from the specification, with the same tool

  • Technology independent and futureproof: Generation of programs for Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Groovy, C#, C++, C, ABAP, Natural, Cobol, PL/SQL, Delphi, Perl, VB, VBA, PHP

  • Supporting test and implementation in a secure and efficient way: Automated test case generation for Gherkin/Cucumber, Robot Framework, TestLink, aqua, Excel


The decision table tool

LF-ET is a powerful addition to any development environments. Develop complex software modules with an aid of LF-ET consistently, without redundancy and with automatic checking for completeness.

“Again and again we are surprised how easily we can ‘uncover’ and correct hidden defects, such as missing case constellations or contradictions, with LF-ET.”

Natalia Shevchenko, Head of Department Maritime Data Center – Design, BSH – The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Germany


We support you at each development stage. Simple solutions are hardly ever the best ones. Our Lohrfink software engineering team are aware that complexity must not be avoided but treated in a transparent, understandable, comprehensive and consistent fashion.

Reviews & Audits

Controlling the working methods and work results is a precondition for long-term high quality.

Training & Coaching

Information on the possibilities of improvement obtained through such reviews and opinions forms an ideal basis for new or advanced working technologies and training resources.


We offer precise documentation for your existing software with an aid of standardized methods and check whether it is correct and complete as well as making sure it features no redundancies or inconsistencies.

Project support

It doesn’t matter whether you are in need of project managers, business analysts, architects, developers or test engineers: our extensive networks and own nearshore capacities enable us to offer inhouse and remote project support in a powerful and flexible fashion.

“We have been using LF-ET successfully and comprehensively for years in the software development at Badenia and particularly appreciate LOHRFINK’s flexible, customer-oriented and efficient solutions for complex tasks.”

Oliver Kühn, Strategic Program Manager, Building society technology application development, Deutsche Bausparkasse Badenia AG

Harald Lohrfink CEO

You can only assess reliably what you can measure. This also applies to software. As regards our products, quality assurance already starts with professional description. Complete, consistent and free from redundancies. Processing logic is described in such a way that anyone can understand it without having to analyze the program code. Post-documentation processes with respect to existing software are also supported with the relevant tools and are based on standardized methods. Our clients can thus rest assured there is an exact correspondence between system description and system behavior.

Feel free to contact us

LOHRFINK software engineering
GmbH & Co. KG
Marie-Curie-Straße 6
70736 Fellbach
Tel. +49 (711) 3424 897 – 0